
Virtual Workspace

On the webpage of the Dutch Census Data there is a virtual workspace for researchers. This virtual workspace, or collaboratory gives the possibility to researchers who work on different locations, to communicate about their data, records and publications. On the one hand, researchers will be able to leave personal information, data and text documents. And on the other hand they will be given the possibility to comment each others works on the forum of the Dutch Census Data.
Participate in the collaboratory!

Researchers that want to participate in the collaboratory have to register. After registration you will receive a username and a password, so that within a few minutes you have direct access to the collaboratory. Without registration you are able to have an overview of the researchers, but you will not be able to participate actively.
User conditions

Though the collaboratory is greatly self-regulating, some user conditions are defined. On the sub page Terms and Conditions these conditions are outlined.

Last modified: 04-07-2007 17:33